rfc9643v2.txt   rfc9643.txt 
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conjunction with the configuration defined for higher level protocols conjunction with the configuration defined for higher level protocols
that depend on TCP (e.g., SSH, TLS, etc.). Examples of higher level that depend on TCP (e.g., SSH, TLS, etc.). Examples of higher level
protocol configuration designed to be used in conjunction with this protocol configuration designed to be used in conjunction with this
configuration are in [RFC9644] and [RFC9645]. configuration are in [RFC9644] and [RFC9645].
The modules focus on three different types of base TCP parameters The modules focus on three different types of base TCP parameters
that matter for TCP-based applications: First, the modules cover that matter for TCP-based applications: First, the modules cover
fundamental configuration of a TCP client or TCP server application, fundamental configuration of a TCP client or TCP server application,
such as addresses and port numbers. Second, a reusable grouping such as addresses and port numbers. Second, a reusable grouping
enables modification of application-specific parameters for TCP enables modification of application-specific parameters for TCP
connections, such as use of TCP keep-alives. And third, client connections, such as use of TCP keepalives. And third, client
configuration for traversing proxies is included as well. In each configuration for traversing proxies is included as well. In each
case, the modules have a very narrow scope and focus on a minimum set case, the modules have a very narrow scope and focus on a minimum set
of required parameters. of required parameters.
Please be advised that while this document presents support for some Please be advised that while this document presents support for some
TCP proxy techniques, there are other TCP proxy techniques that are TCP proxy techniques, there are other TCP proxy techniques that are
not part of this document but could be added by augmenting the YANG not part of this document but could be added by augmenting the YANG
module. module.
1.1. Relation to Other RFCs 1.1. Relation to Other RFCs
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terms of its features and groupings. terms of its features and groupings.
2.1.1. Model Scope 2.1.1. Model Scope
This document presents a common "grouping" statement for basic TCP This document presents a common "grouping" statement for basic TCP
connection parameters that matter to applications. It is "common" in connection parameters that matter to applications. It is "common" in
that this grouping is used by both the "ietf-tcp-client" and "ietf- that this grouping is used by both the "ietf-tcp-client" and "ietf-
tcp-server" modules. In some TCP stacks, such parameters can also tcp-server" modules. In some TCP stacks, such parameters can also
directly be set by an application using system calls, such as the directly be set by an application using system calls, such as the
sockets API. The base YANG data model in this document focuses on sockets API. The base YANG data model in this document focuses on
modeling TCP keep-alives. This base model can be extended as needed. modeling TCP keepalives. This base model can be extended as needed.
2.1.2. Features 2.1.2. Features
The following diagram lists all the "feature" statements defined in The following diagram lists all the "feature" statements defined in
the "ietf-tcp-common" module: the "ietf-tcp-common" module:
Features: Features:
+-- keepalives-supported +-- keepalives-supported
The diagram above uses syntax that is similar to but not defined in The diagram above uses syntax that is similar to but not defined in
skipping to change at line 245 skipping to change at line 245
grouping tcp-common-grouping: grouping tcp-common-grouping:
+-- keepalives! {keepalives-supported}? +-- keepalives! {keepalives-supported}?
+-- idle-time? uint16 +-- idle-time? uint16
+-- max-probes? uint16 +-- max-probes? uint16
+-- probe-interval? uint16 +-- probe-interval? uint16
Comments: Comments:
* The "keepalives" node is a "presence" container so that the * The "keepalives" node is a "presence" container so that the
mandatory descendant nodes do not imply that keep-alives must be mandatory descendant nodes do not imply that keepalives must be
configured. configured.
* The "idle-time", "max-probes", and "probe-interval" nodes have the * The "idle-time", "max-probes", and "probe-interval" nodes have the
common meanings. Please see the YANG module in Section 2.3 for common meanings. Please see the YANG module in Section 2.3 for
details. details.
2.1.4. Protocol-Accessible Nodes 2.1.4. Protocol-Accessible Nodes
The "ietf-tcp-common" module defines only "grouping" statements that The "ietf-tcp-common" module defines only "grouping" statements that
are used by other modules to instantiate protocol-accessible nodes. are used by other modules to instantiate protocol-accessible nodes.
Thus, this module, when implemented, does not itself define any Thus, this module, when implemented, does not itself define any
protocol-accessible nodes. protocol-accessible nodes.
2.1.5. Guidelines for Configuring TCP Keep-Alives 2.1.5. Guidelines for Configuring TCP Keepalives
Network stacks may include keep-alives in their TCP implementations, Network stacks may include keepalives in their TCP implementations,
although this practice is not universally implemented. If keep- although this practice is not universally implemented. If keepalives
alives are included, [RFC9293] mandates that the application MUST be are included, [RFC9293] mandates that the application MUST be able to
able to turn them on or off for each TCP connection and that they turn them on or off for each TCP connection and that they MUST
MUST default to off. default to off.
Keep-alive mechanisms exist in many protocols. Depending on the Keepalive mechanisms exist in many protocols. Depending on the
protocol stack, TCP keep-alives may only be one out of several protocol stack, TCP keepalives may only be one out of several
alternatives. Which mechanism(s) to use depends on the use case and alternatives. Which mechanism(s) to use depends on the use case and
application requirements. If keep-alives are needed by an application requirements. If keepalives are needed by an
application, it is RECOMMENDED that the liveness check happens only application, it is RECOMMENDED that the liveness check happens only
at the protocol layers that are meaningful to the application. at the protocol layers that are meaningful to the application.
A TCP keep-alive mechanism SHOULD only be invoked in server A TCP keepalive mechanism SHOULD only be invoked in server
applications that might otherwise hang indefinitely and consume applications that might otherwise hang indefinitely and consume
resources unnecessarily if a client crashes or aborts a connection resources unnecessarily if a client crashes or aborts a connection
during a network failure [RFC9293]. TCP keep-alives may consume during a network failure [RFC9293]. TCP keepalives may consume
significant resources both in the network and in endpoints (e.g., significant resources both in the network and in endpoints (e.g.,
battery power). In addition, frequent keep-alives risk network battery power). In addition, frequent keepalives risk network
congestion. The higher the frequency of keep-alives, the higher the congestion. The higher the frequency of keepalives, the higher the
overhead. overhead.
Given the cost of keep-alives, parameters have to be configured Given the cost of keepalives, parameters have to be configured
carefully: carefully:
* The default idle interval (leaf "idle-time") is two hours, i.e., * The default idle interval (leaf "idle-time") is two hours, i.e.,
7200 seconds [RFC9293]. A lower value MAY be configured, but idle 7200 seconds [RFC9293]. A lower value MAY be configured, but idle
intervals SHOULD NOT be smaller than 15 seconds. Longer idle intervals SHOULD NOT be smaller than 15 seconds. Longer idle
intervals SHOULD be used when possible. intervals SHOULD be used when possible.
* The maximum number of sequential keep-alive probes that can fail * The maximum number of sequential keepalive probes that can fail
(leaf "max-probes") trades off responsiveness and robustness (leaf "max-probes") trades off responsiveness and robustness
against packet loss. ACK segments that contain no data are not against packet loss. ACK segments that contain no data are not
reliably transmitted by TCP. Consequently, if a keep-alive reliably transmitted by TCP. Consequently, if a keepalive
mechanism is implemented, it MUST NOT interpret failure to respond mechanism is implemented, it MUST NOT interpret failure to respond
to any specific probe as a dead connection [RFC9293]. Typically, to any specific probe as a dead connection [RFC9293]. Typically,
a single-digit number should suffice. a single-digit number should suffice.
* TCP implementations may include a parameter for the number of * TCP implementations may include a parameter for the number of
seconds between TCP keep-alive probes (leaf "probe-interval"). In seconds between TCP keepalive probes (leaf "probe-interval"). In
order to avoid congestion, the time interval between probes MUST order to avoid congestion, the time interval between probes MUST
NOT be smaller than one second. Significantly longer intervals NOT be smaller than one second. Significantly longer intervals
SHOULD be used. It is important to note that keep-alive probes SHOULD be used. It is important to note that keepalive probes (or
(or replies) can get dropped due to network congestion. Sending replies) can get dropped due to network congestion. Sending
further probe messages into a congested path after a short further probe messages into a congested path after a short
interval, without backing off timers, could cause harm and result interval, without backing off timers, could cause harm and result
in a congestion collapse. Therefore, it is essential to pick a in a congestion collapse. Therefore, it is essential to pick a
large, conservative value for this interval. large, conservative value for this interval.
2.2. Example Usage 2.2. Example Usage
This section presents an example showing the "tcp-common-grouping" This section presents an example showing the "tcp-common-grouping"
grouping populated with some data. grouping populated with some data.
The following example uses the XML [W3C.REC-xml-20081126] encoding.
<!-- The outermost element below doesn't exist in the data model. --> <!-- The outermost element below doesn't exist in the data model. -->
<!-- It simulates if the "grouping" were a "container" instead. --> <!-- It simulates if the "grouping" were a "container" instead. -->
<tcp-common xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-tcp-common"> <tcp-common xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-tcp-common">
<keepalives> <keepalives>
<idle-time>7200</idle-time> <idle-time>7200</idle-time>
<max-probes>9</max-probes> <max-probes>9</max-probes>
<probe-interval>75</probe-interval> <probe-interval>75</probe-interval>
</keepalives> </keepalives>
</tcp-common> </tcp-common>
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+-- socks5-supported {proxy-connect}? +-- socks5-supported {proxy-connect}?
+-- socks5-gss-api {socks5-supported}? +-- socks5-gss-api {socks5-supported}?
+-- socks5-username-password {socks5-supported}? +-- socks5-username-password {socks5-supported}?
Comments: Comments:
* The "local-binding-supported" feature indicates that the server * The "local-binding-supported" feature indicates that the server
supports configuring local bindings (i.e., the local address and supports configuring local bindings (i.e., the local address and
local port) for TCP clients. local port) for TCP clients.
* The "tcp-client-keepalives" feature indicates that per socket TCP * The "tcp-client-keepalives" feature indicates that TCP keepalive
keepalive parameters are configurable for TCP clients on the parameters are configurable for TCP clients on the server
server implementing this feature. implementing this feature.
* The "proxy-connect" feature indicates the TCP client supports * The "proxy-connect" feature indicates the TCP client supports
connecting through TCP proxies. connecting through TCP proxies.
* The "socks4-supported" feature indicates the TCP client supports * The "socks4-supported" feature indicates the TCP client supports
Socks4-based proxies. Socks4-based proxies.
* The "socks4a-supported" feature indicates the TCP client supports * The "socks4a-supported" feature indicates the TCP client supports
Socks4a-based proxies. The difference between Socks4 and Socks4a Socks4a-based proxies. The difference between Socks4 and Socks4a
is that Socks4a enables the "remote-address" to be specified using is that Socks4a enables the "remote-address" to be specified using
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are used by other modules to instantiate protocol-accessible nodes. are used by other modules to instantiate protocol-accessible nodes.
Thus, this module, when implemented, does not itself define any Thus, this module, when implemented, does not itself define any
protocol-accessible nodes. protocol-accessible nodes.
3.2. Example Usage 3.2. Example Usage
This section presents two examples showing the "tcp-client-grouping" This section presents two examples showing the "tcp-client-grouping"
grouping populated with some data. This example shows a TCP client grouping populated with some data. This example shows a TCP client
configured to not connect via a proxy: configured to not connect via a proxy:
The following example uses the XML [W3C.REC-xml-20081126] encoding.
<!-- The outermost element below doesn't exist in the data model. --> <!-- The outermost element below doesn't exist in the data model. -->
<!-- It simulates if the "grouping" were a "container" instead. --> <!-- It simulates if the "grouping" were a "container" instead. -->
<tcp-client xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-tcp-client"> <tcp-client xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-tcp-client">
<remote-address>www.example.com</remote-address> <remote-address>www.example.com</remote-address>
<remote-port>8443</remote-port> <remote-port>8443</remote-port>
<local-address></local-address> <local-address></local-address>
<local-port>12345</local-port> <local-port>12345</local-port>
<keepalives> <keepalives>
<idle-time>7200</idle-time> <idle-time>7200</idle-time>
<max-probes>9</max-probes> <max-probes>9</max-probes>
<probe-interval>75</probe-interval> <probe-interval>75</probe-interval>
</keepalives> </keepalives>
</tcp-client> </tcp-client>
This example shows a TCP client configured to connect via a proxy: This example shows a TCP client configured to connect via a proxy.
The following example uses the XML [W3C.REC-xml-20081126] encoding.
<!-- The outermost element below doesn't exist in the data model. --> <!-- The outermost element below doesn't exist in the data model. -->
<!-- It simulates if the "grouping" were a "container" instead. --> <!-- It simulates if the "grouping" were a "container" instead. -->
<tcp-client xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-tcp-client"> <tcp-client xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-tcp-client">
<remote-address>www.example.com</remote-address> <remote-address>www.example.com</remote-address>
<remote-port>8443</remote-port> <remote-port>8443</remote-port>
<local-address></local-address> <local-address></local-address>
<local-port>12345</local-port> <local-port>12345</local-port>
<proxy-server> <proxy-server>
skipping to change at line 730 skipping to change at line 736
feature local-binding-supported { feature local-binding-supported {
description description
"Indicates that the server supports configuring local "Indicates that the server supports configuring local
bindings (i.e., the local address and local port) for bindings (i.e., the local address and local port) for
TCP clients."; TCP clients.";
} }
feature tcp-client-keepalives { feature tcp-client-keepalives {
description description
"Per socket TCP keepalive parameters are configurable for "TCP keepalive parameters are configurable for
TCP clients on the server implementing this feature."; TCP clients on the server implementing this feature.";
reference reference
"RFC 9293: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)"; "RFC 9293: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)";
} }
feature proxy-connect { feature proxy-connect {
description description
"Indicates the TCP client supports connecting through "Indicates the TCP client supports connecting through
TCP proxies."; TCP proxies.";
} }
skipping to change at line 1038 skipping to change at line 1044
This grouping is presented in the following subsection. This grouping is presented in the following subsection. The "tcp-server-grouping" Grouping The "tcp-server-grouping" Grouping
The following tree diagram [RFC8340] illustrates the "tcp-server- The following tree diagram [RFC8340] illustrates the "tcp-server-
grouping" grouping: grouping" grouping:
grouping tcp-server-grouping: grouping tcp-server-grouping:
+-- local-bind* [local-address] +-- local-bind* [local-address]
| +-- local-address? inet:ip-address | +-- local-address inet:ip-address
| +-- local-port? inet:port-number | +-- local-port? inet:port-number
+---u tcpcmn:tcp-common-grouping +---u tcpcmn:tcp-common-grouping
Comments: Comments:
* The "local-address" node, which is mandatory, may be configured as * The "local-address" node, which is mandatory, may be configured as
an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or a wildcard value. an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or a wildcard value.
* The "local-port" node is not mandatory, but its default value is * The "local-port" node is not mandatory, but its default value is
the invalid value "0", thus forcing the consuming data model to the invalid value "0", thus forcing the consuming data model to
skipping to change at line 1066 skipping to change at line 1072
The "ietf-tcp-server" module defines only "grouping" statements that The "ietf-tcp-server" module defines only "grouping" statements that
are used by other modules to instantiate protocol-accessible nodes. are used by other modules to instantiate protocol-accessible nodes.
Thus, this module, when implemented, does not itself define any Thus, this module, when implemented, does not itself define any
protocol-accessible nodes. protocol-accessible nodes.
4.2. Example Usage 4.2. Example Usage
This section presents an example showing the "tcp-server-grouping" This section presents an example showing the "tcp-server-grouping"
grouping populated with some data. grouping populated with some data.
The following example uses the XML [W3C.REC-xml-20081126] encoding.
<!-- The outermost element below doesn't exist in the data model. --> <!-- The outermost element below doesn't exist in the data model. -->
<!-- It simulates if the "grouping" were a "container" instead. --> <!-- It simulates if the "grouping" were a "container" instead. -->
<tcp-server xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-tcp-server"> <tcp-server xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-tcp-server">
<local-bind> <local-bind>
<local-address></local-address> <local-address></local-address>
<local-port>49152</local-port> <local-port>49152</local-port>
</local-bind> </local-bind>
<keepalives> <keepalives>
<idle-time>7200</idle-time> <idle-time>7200</idle-time>
skipping to change at line 1145 skipping to change at line 1153
description description
"Initial version."; "Initial version.";
reference reference
"RFC 9643: YANG Groupings for TCP Clients and TCP Servers"; "RFC 9643: YANG Groupings for TCP Clients and TCP Servers";
} }
// Features // Features
feature tcp-server-keepalives { feature tcp-server-keepalives {
description description
"Per socket TCP keepalive parameters are configurable for "TCP keepalive parameters are configurable for
TCP servers on the server implementing this feature."; TCP servers on the server implementing this feature.";
reference reference
"RFC 9293: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)"; "RFC 9293: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)";
} }
// Groupings // Groupings
grouping tcp-server-grouping { grouping tcp-server-grouping {
description description
"A reusable grouping for configuring a TCP server. "A reusable grouping for configuring a TCP server.
skipping to change at line 1528 skipping to change at line 1536
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9645>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9645>.
[SOCKS] Koblas, D. and M. Koblas, "SOCKS", USENIX UNIX Security [SOCKS] Koblas, D. and M. Koblas, "SOCKS", USENIX UNIX Security
Symposium III, September 1992, <https://www.usenix.org/leg Symposium III, September 1992, <https://www.usenix.org/leg
acy/publications/library/proceedings/sec92/full_papers/ acy/publications/library/proceedings/sec92/full_papers/
koblas.pdf>. koblas.pdf>.
[SOCKS_4A] Lee, Y., "SOCKS 4A: A Simple Extension to SOCKS 4 [SOCKS_4A] Lee, Y., "SOCKS 4A: A Simple Extension to SOCKS 4
Protocol", <https://www.openssh.com/txt/socks4a.protocol>. Protocol", <https://www.openssh.com/txt/socks4a.protocol>.
Bray, T., Paoli, J., Sperberg-McQueen, C.M., Maler, E.,
and F. Yergeau, "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0
(Fifth Edition)", World Wide Web Consortium
Recommendation REC-xml-20081126, November 2008,
Acknowledgements Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank the following for lively discussions The authors would like to thank the following for lively discussions
on list and in the halls (ordered by first name): Éric Vyncke, Joe on list and in the halls (ordered by first name): Éric Vyncke, Joe
Clarke, Jürgen Schönwälder, Ladislav Lhotka, Mallory Knodel, Martin Clarke, Jürgen Schönwälder, Ladislav Lhotka, Mallory Knodel, Martin
Duke, Michael Tüxen, Mohamed Boucadair, Nancy Cam-Winget, Nick Duke, Michael Tüxen, Mohamed Boucadair, Nancy Cam-Winget, Nick
Hancock, Per Andersson, Rob Wilton, Roman Danyliw, Tom Petch, and Wim Hancock, Per Andersson, Rob Wilton, Roman Danyliw, Tom Petch, and Wim
Henderickx. Henderickx.
Authors' Addresses Authors' Addresses
Kent Watsen Kent Watsen
Watsen Networks Watsen Networks
Email: kent+ietf@watsen.net Email: kent+ietf@watsen.net
Michael Scharf Michael Scharf
Hochschule Esslingen - University of Applied Sciences Hochschule Esslingen
University of Applied Sciences
Kanalstr. 33
73728 Esslingen am Neckar
Email: michael.scharf@hs-esslingen.de Email: michael.scharf@hs-esslingen.de
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